Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Tie" Dying Easter Eggs

Okay so I recieved an email with some ideas for Dying Easter Eggs and I loved this idea so much I ran out to Goodwill and grabbed all the silk ties I could find, came home and prepared everything to Dye the Eggs. I decided to blow out the eggs so I can keep the eggs for years to come. Anyways this is how they turned out. Here is the link.


Meredith said...

Those look awesome! We're planning on trying the silk tie method Saturday. Hopefully ours turn out that well, too.

Sabrina said...

that's awesome! they turned out beautiful!!

Van Komen's said...

Hey Lindsay! This is natalie- jeremii's wife! Its been a while and I'm super sorry it took so long to write back! I'm sure Jer would love to catch up and we are heading to Seattle for a vacation in Aug. Maybe we can do a picnic or something and let our girls play. I'm not sure if you check this blog too often, but email me and we'll set something up! natalievankomen@gmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon!